Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sometimes life knocks you down....

Man oh man! This past week was super stressful and tough for me. I got my butt kicked by work, cried more than I would like, and felt defeated. Every night I came home with a terrible headache and was utterly exhausted by the time Friday evening rolled around. However, sometimes you need to get to those points to refocus and rebalance. I hope to figure out the changes I need to make to get me back to my happy place. 

In other news, Mother Nature didn’t make this week any easier. This past week’s polar vortex thingy made me feel like a big walking marshmallow! Thank goodness for my Zara scarf; I was a stylish walking marshmallow. Here’s hoping for sunnier and warmer days ahead!

I hope everyone has a great week, and I will be working on getting back up!

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