Sunday, November 24, 2013

BRRRR! It's cold out there!

Hey friends,

It is super chilly here in NYC, and I'm been staying warm and toasty at home this weekend. I like to use Sundays to prepare and pamper myself. I've also been preparing my skin for having to brave the cold weather outside during the work week. Luckily, I've discovered a really cool moisturizing kit from First Aid Beauty at Sephora. The Ultra Repair Kit comes with an Ultra Repair Cream, Ultra Repair Lip Therapy, Ultra Repair Face Moisturizer, andUltra Repair Instant Oatmeal Mask. I've been using the kit for a month now, and it has been awesome! Let me know if you use any of their products as well.

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  1. I use the first aid moisturizing lotion. I loooooove it. I have sensitive skin so mostly everything breaks me out. This is the only lotion so far that doesn't. I wrote a post about it and a couple other products I use. Check it out.
